RhizoSorb® Grower

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Register by April 30, 2025

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Grower Guarantee FAQ

About the Warranty

Phospholutions Inc. is partnering with Growers Edge to offer a warranty-backed program that reduces risk for growers who adopt RhizoSorb® brand products. The Grower Guarantee offers participating farmers income support in the eventyields do not meet 100% of historical production they would be eligible for a payment of up to $40/acre.

Warranty Payment

If yields do not meet 100% of your 10-year actual productionhistory (APH), you’ll receive a warranty payment.
$40/acre when 80-89% APH is achieved
$20/acre when 90-99% APH is achieved

To Participate

  • Enroll by April 30, 2025, and apply RhizoSorb 8-39-0 to a minimum of 200 acres of corn and/ or soybean
  • Provide as-applied maps by June 30th, 2025
  • Maintain an active multi-peril crop insurance policy
  • Limited to first-year RhizoSorb Growers

*The plan describe is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Phospholutions Crop Plan agreement. Always read and follow label directions. ©2024 Phospholutions, LLC. All rights reserved.


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