We Are Enhancing Global Phosphorus Use

We were founded in 2016 under the belief that our global food system demands better solutions for sustainable production and responsible use of phosphorus. At Phospholutions, our mission is simple.  We are enhancing the efficiency of global phosphorus use.  Being the second-largest nutrient used in food production worldwide, the need to manage this finite resource more efficiently has never been more critical to support future generations.


Promoting More Sustainable Food Production

More than 90% of phosphorus mined today is applied as fertilizer to our farm fields, yet only 10% makes it to the consumer's plate. Our approach starts with increasing fertilizer efficiency to reduce depletion rates of our known reserves, maximize use within the food chain, and minimize the environmental impact.

It all starts with solving key agronomic challenges unique to phosphorus as a plant nutrient. Leveraging our team of experts, partners, and intellectual property portfolio, we've developed a set of scalable solutions to address one of the world's most pressing environmental issues. That's why we developed a fertilizer designed to increase efficiency and improve economics for farmers around the world.

RhizoSorb® Technology

"Finding the right equilibrium between supporting a growing population and protecting our waterways requires reimagining a system where the use of this vital nutrient is optimized.”

~ Hunter Swisher, CEO Phospholutions


Achieving Better Efficiency

Nutrient Inputs

RhizoSorb® is a technology platform for improving the availability and uptake of plant nutrients.

Reduce Emissions

RhizoSorb® reduces the carbon footprint of phosphorus fertilizers.

Global Impact

Feeding the world with minimal harm to our fresh water ecosystems.

Grower Satisfaction

Growers are achieving a higher return on investment from phosphorus fertilizer use.

Join Our Mission

Contact us to make make global phosphorus use more efficient




Board of Directors

Bert Frost

CF Industries  

Andy Spahr


Matthew Rhodes


Suyash Bulchandani


Hunter Swisher


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(814) 954-7047